Who Wants to Play With Me?

chocolate extravaganza 2011 001

I am superman. Who wants to be my Lois Lane?


  1. MOL Buster, that cape looks great on you! I love those sorts of capes too.

  2. Ooooh! I'm a mancat! I could be your Louis Lane ! >^,.^<

  3. Oh, rats! We hoped mancats could come and play too!

  4. I'm not sure I'm the Lois Lane type--but you look great in your cape!

  5. I found Kumo wearing a plastic bag a few weeks back and panicked :D Kumo is really wild and I worried that he might get suffocated in the bag. huhu.

  6. I could probably be Jimmy. But be warned: I'd bite on your cape until it was shredded!

  7. Well, we're mancats here, but we know lots of ladycats who will jump at the chance!

  8. Well, I'd love to play with your Buster, but I think I want to be Lex Luthor, please.

  9. I got one of those plastic bags wrapped around my neck once, but it did not make me feel like supercat! In fact, it freaked me out so badly that my human had to chase me all around the house so she could get it off me!

  10. Haha! Buster, it looks like that bag ate you!

  11. Oh Buster! Are you the new age Supermancat? purrr...meow!

  12. The same thing happened to us as Sparkle. It got caughted and made us run amuck!

  13. Me and Simba will come and play, we have some capes too :)xx

  14. We do, we do - can we both be your Lois Lane?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. You have such a kissable little face, Buster. Let us get OUR capes on and we'll come right over!

    Love, Cosmo and Ling

  16. lol! I can't because I am a mancat but I bet there is a long line of ladycats just waiting their turn!

  17. Well we can't because we are mancats. How about a chihuahua Lois lane. we have two girl ones here.

    Happy weekend!


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