Tuxie Throwback Thursday

You know this is a throwback pic because of the old-fashioned boxy tv set. Oh kitties, those were the good old days when a cat can nap all day long on top of the tv set. Oh I love reminiscing about them good old days :)

Raise your paw if you spent a considerable amount of time on top of the old boxy tv set :)


  1. I've never seen one of those boxy TVs! Of course I am only 5-1/2 months old.

  2. We have heard that there used to be boxy computer monitors, too. That must have been pawesome!

  3. Sadly, I am 7 yrs old and we didn't have one of those when I came to live with Mom. But, my Grandpa Bobo used to LOVE the console, remember those? Love, Cody

  4. Jenna isn't a good jumper or she'd probably be on top of my old TV!

  5. Yeah, the mom won't even let us near the flat screen.

  6. Dang, I totally missed out on that fun too!

  7. That TV DOES look like a great place to lounge!

  8. Our mommy won't let us on top of the TV but we have lots of chairs with comfy blankets to lounge on.

  9. Ohhhhh I would have loved one of those!

  10. We actually still have one of those sets in the den/office, but we don't get to go there. Anywho, at least three of us remember napping on the one that used to be in the bedroom. Ah, the good old days. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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