Thankful Thursday: Thank You Colehouse Gang!

2016 09 06_CANONPWS_0346
Emma: It was a Tuesday evening as I was getting ready for my nap, the survant handed me a package.

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Emma: I was curious so I asked the survant to open it for me. Looks very promising!

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Emma: Oooh a ribbon! I played with the ribbon first.

2016 09 06_CANONPWS_0352
Tadaaaa! We got rubber ducky kitties minions! We asked about them when they appeared with Miss Itty here.
Emma: The next thing we knew Colehouse mom Carole was emailing our mom for our mailing address, yay!

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Emma: Survant mom, there's something else. There's an envelope with it. Read it!

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Emma: The note said that we hope we will give them a wonderful forever home and love them always. I already love them! How about you Buster?

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Buster: I love them already too. I let them ride on my back!

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Buster: I will always look after them; I will be their defender.

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Emma: Then it was time to set them up in their forever perch and mom to clean up.

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Emma: And that's when we saw this!

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Emma and Buster: Thanks a lot Miss Newton, Tessa, Pia Bean, Quint, Olivia, Ruby, Zuzu, Viola, foster Miss Itty and of course dad Steve and mom Carole. XOXOX0.

Mwahhhhh to all of you!


  1. What an adorable gift set - and paw approved by Viola! Double-awesome!

  2. How pawsome a gift that was! Though we have to say... just purrfectly paw sized for whapping.

  3. OH my goodness! That was just the nicest thing in the world and Miss Viola inspected too? Oh, Emma, Buster! Concatulations on a fabulous gift. xoxox

  4. O presente Ć© adorĆ”vel, tenho certeza que vocĆŖs vĆ£o se divertir muito com eles.
    CafunĆ©s para vocĆŖs meus amores!

  5. Unexpected prezzies are the BEST and this one was most incredibly thoughtful!!! They are adorable and so are you! catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. Yippee! They arrived! We were betting all their quacking would assure they'd be delivered promptly, and there they are! Enjoy your new friends!

    Your friends at Colehaus Cats,
    Miss Newton, Tessa, Pia, Quint, Olivia, Ruby, Zuzu, inspector Viola, and foster Miss Itty.

  7. Those are adorable!
    Have a super Thursday...

    Noodle and crew

  8. Oh those are absolutely adorable! Hope you all enjoy them.

  9. OMC, how adorable are those - we want some too!!!!! MOL MOL


    Basil & Co xox

  10. Cute ducky gang !
    Buster, mom always does silly things on top of my back too !
    yeah and I let her ! just like you do... MOL

  11. lucky yous gots rubber duckies! Thanks fur sharing how silly they am. Dey looks like funs to bats. -Pearl who likes to bat things.

  12. They are so adorable. That was super kind of Miss Itty and the gang. We know you are going to give them an exceptionally good home. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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