Tuxie Thursday

2016 06 03_pentax_8868_edited-1
My pretty tuxie lady is becoming more and more difficult to photograph. Neither she nor Buster is making it easy for catmama to take photos of them. How to solve this problem?


  1. I don't know! I love being photographed. It makes me feel special.

  2. I don't like being photographed either so usually only one out of a whole bunch of photos is good enough for my blog. Mom just ignores my wishes and clicks away!

  3. My cats don't like the flash.. so taking photos on bright sunny days helps.

  4. I didn't have that problem with my furry house guest, Dexter. Maybe because I thought everything he did was so cute but getting action shots was challenging. He was (or is unless his daddy dyed him Packer colors) an orangish brown so he showed up better than gray. I started keeping my camera by my side when we played and got a few decent action shots.

  5. I didn't have that problem with my furry house guest, Dexter. Maybe because I thought everything he did was so cute but getting action shots was challenging. He was (or is unless his daddy dyed him Packer colors) an orangish brown so he showed up better than gray. I started keeping my camera by my side when we played and got a few decent action shots.

  6. We're getting to be the same way too. We tend to look away from the camera whenever the mom points it at us.

  7. Do you pay them in treats after? That seems to help. :)

  8. Treats, Treats & more Treats. Although most of our kitties love having their picture taken (most of the time).


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