Looking suspicious

2017 04 21_canonpwsmoroccolisbon_3121

This Other Cat was looking at my mommeh suspiciously after the mommeh shared some of the kibbles she brings with her wherever she goes (in cases like this of course). Mommeh put distance between her and the kitty and was saddened that the kitty did not eat the kibble. It probably don't know how to eat kibble. This was in Essaouira, a seaside town in Morocco where the kitties get fed fresh fish.


  1. Yep, it does have that "I'm not sure" look!

  2. This kitty has that look like, where's the fresh fish at? Maybe another kitty cam along to eat up the kibbles. It's always good to have a little snack bag for the little ones. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  3. Well, fresh fish sounds pretty tasty!

  4. Maybe he or she doesn't like treats. Hard to believe, but even we've got one of those here (Elliott).

  5. Other Cat definitely looks a bit unsure of what to do with that kibble. Fresh fish DOES sound tasty, though!


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