Wordless Wednesday

Do you see the little bald spot on my arm? Mom thinks its from a squabble with Buster - one of many that happen when they're not around.


  1. Bare spot aside, that's a really sweet photo!

  2. I DO! You guys fuss? I would not have thought so. Let's look HIM over! You know what they say..."you oughtta see the other guy!" Mom took three pics of me last night as I was passed out from the effects of the gabapentin..and it was very like yours here

  3. Happy Wordless Wednesday!! We just love this sweet photo so much. That little bald spot is just all the sweet memories you had together with Buster even if it was a little rough housing. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  4. You are looking mighty cute Emma, no fighting though!

  5. We hope your furs grow back soon, Emma. Sweet dreams!

  6. Poor baby! You need to remind Buster who's Queen!


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