Happy Birthday to our Mama

Our mama is having another trip around the sun today. Buster and I do not have any plans for her yet, we'll get her some treats I'm sure.

By the way, how is everybody? Life keeps rolling on around here kitties. The humans are still extra careful about the virus especially with the new variant. Hope you are all doing good.


  1. Happy Day to your hu-mom, be sure to give her extra cuddles and nose taps! Good for you being extra careful, it is still necessary to do that, my hu-mom is doing the same thing, she sometimes
    feels a bit scaredy-cat when going "out-about" unfortunately ... some peeps are just being foolish
    and silly and she can't figure out why! Sigh-Meow ... well, anyway ... Happy Birthday again from
    me JUNE and my hu-mom, Ann.

  2. emma and buster...a most happee birthday two yur mom....we hope her N joyz de day and haz fun...tell her ta eat plentee oh perch pizza pie ☺☺ heerz two de next
    trip round de sun... bee in filled with happeez and healtheez ♥♥♥

  3. Happy Birthday to your special Mama from all of us!

  4. Happy Birthday to your Mama, Emma and Buster! Great photo! And yes indeed, it's wise to be careful with the new and even more easily transmissible virus variant out there.

  5. Happy Purrthday to your Mama ! We are being careful here too !

  6. Happy Birthday to your Mama! I hope you get some treats too to celebrate.

  7. Happy Birthday to your wonderful mama! She is a fellow Leo like me. :) XO

  8. Happy belated birthday to your mama! We are being real careful, too. That delta variant is no joke!

  9. Happy slightly belated birthday to your human!


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