She Failed At Parenting!


Need we say more?

[we have some problems with peeing everywhere, pardon all the pee pads. this is why the humans don't entertain anymore.]


  1. Buster! What are you doing? It doesnā€™t look like Emma wants to be chased by you.

  2. Um, are you supposed to be chasing Emma, Buster?

  3. What's going on with you two? Does your mama have any ideas?

  4. Oh dear, and here we thought it was "scratching the furniture issues"! Sometimes when you gotta go, you just gotta go!

  5. Oh my, perhaps there is some rivalry for territory? Sometimes that causes fussing, and peeing outside the box. We are purring here for harmony to return!

  6. I have had to do that before too.

  7. Oh - we didn;t even notice the pee pads. So that tells you a bit about our menage. Obviously you two still have some youthful energy...has your Mom tried any of those Feliway diffusers ? That helped when we had a couple of cats with this attitude several years ago and I think they have refined them since then. Lots of people use calming solutions...Bach's Rescue Remedy is a long-time favorite and Jackson Galaxy has several.

  8. What happened? Is it redirected aggression? Were there outside kitties disturbing the peace inside?


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