Adorable When Asleep

03-29-11 005

03-20-11 017

03-20-11 018

These were taken without my permission. I was sleeping after all. But boy don't I look manly in these shots, even my toesies are manly :)

Stay cool kitties,


  1. Very manly and ready for kisses!

  2. dude! you are so hunky, we fink if you went outside, you'd hafta fight off the ladycats!!

    an' please tell yer mom that the cardinal's hat getzger was wearin' on monday came wif an icecream sundae that his bean-sisfur got at the ballpark. we'll ask her if she hafs more'n one hat, or if she's goin' to a game again soon. mebbe we kin snag one fur you.

  3. Oh, Buster...You're so manly the mom is squeeing!

  4. Buster, you are Adorable (witha capital A)! WE love your handsome furs and pink toesies!

  5. You sure have manly toesies !!!
    My mom takes picures without my permission too :(

  6. ::::SWOON:::::

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  7. My mom would be kissin' all over those toes, Buster!

  8. Buster Hi!!! OMC you are soooo handsome! I am so glad you came and visited us today because now I know you and can follow you!

    I am now following you and am thrilled! you are just precious!

  9. Oh Buster! Our mom says she's happy she got to see your toesies. She's got a thing for orange boys.

  10. Those are manly toes, alright! Kissy kiss!

  11. The Human is all squee squee squee! Watch out, though. She will start nibbling those toebeans in a minute.

  12. Oh Buster...we don't know whose more in love with you, us kitties our our Mumsy! Such a handsome, manly Mancat. Ooooooohhhh....

  13. ohmigod you are adorable sleeping there.I love your toesies, you are gorgeous!
    Luna :) ( WE LOVE LUNA )

  14. You look very manly Buster - your toesies are crying out for a kissy from our mum.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. Hi, Mr. Buster !
    You are really a healthy and lovely orange cat !!
    ☆⌒d(=^・・^)b good boy !!


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