Hanging Out Friday


Happy Friday everyfurry! This is where I hang out after I wake up in the AM, because this window faces 4 fir trees where a lot of birdies play and hang out. I have front row seat to all the birdie activities. Plus on warm nights sitting here for a few minutes savoring all the whiffies coming from the bay is wonderful.

Plus, from this window I can see Mama and Papa coming home from work or working on the garden during the weekend.

Enjoy the weekend loves!



  1. Emma, we love your vantage point! You certainly can guard against introoders or watch great bird TV from there!

    Happy weekend to you all!

  2. Emma dear,
    I envy you your Bird TV. purrrrr *giggles*

  3. You have a great vantage point, Emma! There is nowhere we can see the humans coming home at our house, so we have to listen for them, in case we are doing something they might gripe about.

  4. Emma, you are so pretty and what a great window you have! Mama loves kitties in windows.

  5. Mostly, I only see pigeons out my windows. They do look plump and delectable though!

  6. Austin sits in the window and watches the buzzards! He thinks big! Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment :))


  7. Dear friends,
    I also like to stay watching the birds in my window here ( the window is always closed), but it's better than TV!
    I love your picture!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  8. What a great view you haf! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. oh Emma! You are a girl after my own heart! I wish you could see the window that I sit in that I posted on my Facebook Cat Chat With Caren & Cody page about a week ago. I like to sit waaaay up high just like you! Hope you are having a great weekend!
    Love, Cody

  10. We like keeping watch from our windows too - we hope you have had a lovely weekend.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. That looks like a great vantage point, Emma! Guarding against intruders and watching Bird TV ar very important activities! :)


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