Happy Meow-o-ween Kitties!


Hello all! How is everyone? Purrfect I suppose. Well, our servant the one with thumbs who can type and answers to the name Mama didn't have time to update this blog last week. She was busy watching the World Series. For my friends overseas who are not aware of this, this is the baseball championship game. Only Canada and USA have teams so we don't know why the use of the word WORLD, shouldn't it be North American Championship Series or something? Of course there are many players in the league from the Latin American countries and Asia and Australia too, so maybe that's why.

Anyway, she's really into the local team, the SF Giants, who by the way won it all this year, so she's really happy.

Don't worry we were not fully ignored the entire October Quest as the Giants marketing ad calls it, we got wonderful belly rubs while she watches the game on tv.

But on Sunday was horrible - at night the Giants bagged the crown, but during the daytime omg!!!!

Two men came to the house with large machines and weird equipment and opened all the vents of the house. They turned on the machine and it made a loud horrible sound. Mama locked Emma and I in the guest bedroom, but the men needed to get into the bedroom too so they can clean the vent. Then Papa locked me in the hallway closet while Emma went under the master bed. One of the men opened the closet door thinking it was another bedroom, and when he did, I was a blur of speed as I ran as fast as I could to get downstairs. What an ugly experience. Good thing cleaning the ducts is only a yearly event.

Needless to say kitties, we were scared to death. Was still shaking in my paws while having tuna for dinner. Even when Mama and Papa watched the game with Uncle Dave I was skittish. Emma was more relaxed and calm and sat in between Mama and Uncle Dave and let him pet her. I think she smelled Uncle Dave's cats scent that's why she was friendly with this new Uncle we have.

So that's what's been happening around here kitties. Last Meow-o-ween I helped Mama hand out candies to little children and I wasn't scaared at all. Mama is hoping I'd behave the same way this year. She said, I'm counting on you Buster to help out with the candies this year! So I better man up and get my act together.



  1. I know exactly how you feel! I just hate it when aliens take over the house, too. Well, at least that's that for a year, Buster!

  2. Oh my gosh! You were locked in spare bedrooms and in closets? Locked behind closed doors? What is this world coming to? So scary... and Hallowe'en isn't until tomorrow! purrs

  3. OMC! We can't believe you had to put up with all that!!

    And we're big Tiger fans...so we were pretty sad that our Tigers played like baby kittens...congrats to your Giants...they beat us fair and square.

  4. What a terrifying day you kittehz had! Buster, you are much braver than us. We could never hand out candy on Halloween!

  5. Ugh, you poor kitties! But I wish you hadn't mentioned it - you just reminded my human that the vents here haven't been cleaned in... forever, like since we first moved here! :-0

  6. You know what I think Buster? I think your big strong Manly Dad should clean those guest-bedroom vents himself so that you and Emma don't have to scared out of your MINDS!! That's what *I* think, in case anyone was wondering.

    And, oh yeah--How about them GIANTS??? Are your Peeps going to the parade tomorrow? The Human's school is being dismissed early so she might go. We'll see how crazy it gets out there!

  7. Whoa Buster! You'd better man-up and beat the $#@* out off those men who invaded your vents! Err....or timidly hand out candies to kids. purrr...meow!

  8. You poor babies! What an ordeal to go through. My furbabies hide when any stranger comes through the door--never mind the noise!

    I'm not sure I'd let you help hand out candy. I'd be afraid you might dart out the door if something did scare you.

  9. It sounds like your experience with the monster machines was scarier than anything that would ever happen at Halloween! I hope your nerves can handle a night of little kids and candy.

    Maybe Mom will give you both some treats, too, to make up for all that trauma!

    Happy Halloween!

  10. That sounds like a very scary day! We sure hope you have fun handing out candies to the kiddies.

    Happy Halloween!

  11. Happy Halloween! Have fun passing out the candies tonight, so brave of you!

  12. Now that is one happy, contented cat who is delighted to just nap there. Good picture.

  13. That wasn't a pleasant experience to go through. Sorry about that..


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