More Photos from the Vet

We waited for the doctor for a bit so the human took a few photos of me even though there is a huge sign on the door that says USE OF CELLPHONE IS PROHIBITED. I had to stay in my PTU because for some reason I feel comforted being there.





  1. Why would they prohibit cell phones at the vet? My human uses hers all the time! Never as a phone, though.

  2. I hope all was okay sweet Emma, it can be a scary place sometimes!

  3. WE sure hope all went well for you at the vet. That is not any fun at all. Take care.

  4. Você é muito corajoso! Espero que esteja tudo bem.

  5. Hope every thing went well at the vet! Great photos:)

  6. We hope you were just in for a check-up and vaccination. Do you sing the song of your people all the way to the vet?

    I think doctors and vets want cellphones off as they are a distraction. Some of the rings on them are particularly loud and annoying--not to mention people who talk too loud on cellphones.

  7. well you weren't using the phone, you were using the camera ;)

  8. Yeah, my Mom rarely takes photos at the Vet. If it is a wellness visit she will (before the doctor arrives and she will ask his permission)...........but she rarely takes them. OF COURSE you wanted to stay in your PTU, you KNEW what was going down! Bet you couldn't wait to get back into it! MOL!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  9. The sign didn't say what you couldn't use your cellphone for, did it? We hope the rest of the vet visit went quickly and you got a clean bill of health!

  10. You look pretty even if you are scared.

  11. Did they take the lid off your carrier? They like to do that to us, too. We like keeping the top on. Our vet doesn't want the humans to use their cell phones either, but mostly when the doctor is in the room. Otherwise, how would they know??

  12. Our vet always takes us out of our carriers if we are unfortunate enough to have to visit them!


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