Sunday Selfie

2015 06 21_2742
Grumpy selfie. Mama is still not able to access her external drive containing over a 1000 photos.


  1. Boo hiss! We're sorry to hear this...but we like your selfie anyway, Emma.

  2. Emma, we'd be grumpy as well under the circumstances. We certainly hope this situation is corrected soon. Even if you are a bit grumpy, you are still gorgeous. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  3. I'd be grumpy too! I hope your human can get into that external drive!

  4. Computer problems? tell me about them, I blame peeps for the crumbs in the hard drive. Hoping you get yours sorted soon, till then we love your selfie, very expressive. purrs ERin

  5. Aaargh.... but at least your Selfie is purrfect :) Pawkisses for a Sunny Day :) <3

  6. Your grumpy selfie is still lovely. My mum has everything backed up on her external hard drive and would be devastated not to be able to access it.She also has a lot of photos backed up on USB memory sticks, and you have got her thinking she needs to back everything on there as well, just in case!

  7. I wish my Momma looked that good when she's grumpy! And she's grumpy a lot! She blames me for just about everything (okay, okay, so FINE, maybe SOME of it IS my fault ... but STILL!). You're a gorgeous, gorgeous girl, Miss Emma. I hope you Mama figures out a way to outsmart that rascally technology. ~Bear Cat

  8. You look cute sweetie even if you are a bit grumpy Dang, I hope the pictures can be rescued.

  9. Very pretty selfie even if you are grumpy. I would be grumpy too if I lost all those photos.

  10. I'd be grumpy as well!!! May have to enlist the help of an expert!!!

  11. Aw, no! That's a total bummer. Hope things get better. (Even though I love that grumpy little face of yours!)

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  12. OH dear we hope your Momma can get those photos off her external hard drive!

  13. Those interwebbie machines would make anyone grumpy!
    Have a wonderful Sunday...

    Noodle and crew

  14. That would make me grumpy too!!! Sure hope she's able to recover them...

  15. If that happened to my mom, she'd have a Hissy Fit loud enough for Miz Marjorie to hear her all the way over in Middle Earth! I hope your mom is able to get the issue solved soon. Purrs!

  16. Emma lamento saber que sua mamĆ£e ainda nĆ£o conseguiu recuperar as fotos.
    VocĆŖ Ć© muito fofa!

  17. That's a cute grumpy selfie. Sorry that your mom can't get to the photos!

  18. We're sorry about Mom's external drive. How frustrating! But we do like your grumpy selfie, Emma. :)

  19. I hope Mum gets her drive sorted. we ended up getting tech help!!!


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