Mama's favorite

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As you know our human loves to stalk Other Cats wherever she goes. This kitty is one of her favorites, maybe the THE favorite. She met this little motor mouth in rural Bangladesh when they visited relatives in 2012. Kitty was such a cutie, but was allergic to the human. Whenever she comes closer to her, the kitty bolted. Hahaha.


  1. Was her name Caroline by any chance? ;-)

  2. That kitty has a very expressive face!

  3. OMC, that is one cute little kitty. We can understand why she was one of your Mama's favorites. :)

  4. Awww que lindo, não dá vontade de trazer para casa? hihi

  5. That little kitty is so cute!!! What a beautiful face she got! Great picture:)

  6. What a cutie pie. We think it is so funny that your mom "stalks" cats when she is traveling. Our mom and dad are always on the look-out for kitties whenever they travel. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. That's indeed a very cute kitty ! Maybe some humans haven't been kind to it !

  8. Have a super wonderful New Year!

    Noodle and crew

  9. 🎉 ☆ HAPPY MEW YEAR ☆ 2017 🎉
    I hope this year will bring all the best to you & fameowly
    💖 =^x^= 💖

  10. Oh my! Our Mom would have enlisted everyone in sight to grab that kitty, "allergy" or not! We hope the New Year is starting off great for you!


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