Flashback Friday

2012_09_30_2012 cats 028


  1. whitefish wavez two ewe emma N buster; itz veree nice ta meet ewe both !! we N joyed reedin yur interveew over at mouz breath two day :)

    yur houz kinda soundz like trout towne; sum one likez ta ree mane under de radar dai$y
    N me tuna well; eye am just all bout bee in rite in de thick oh de actshun !!

    pleez feel free ta stop bye trout towne any time; we all wayz haz foodz on de grill 25/8, & if ya canna understand R speech; pleez tell uz sew; we speek normal two...troo lee ;) ♥♥

    happee week end ~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  2. Are you winking at us, Emma? *winking back*

  3. Hello there, Emma! We're winking at you, too!

  4. Great photo. I loved the interview of you 2 on Mousebreath.


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