Flashback Friday

2015_01_19 006
Here's one from January 2015.

We hear more rain coming this weekend. Last weekend we had some wonderful sunpuddles. Mr. Sun was out after days of rain, giving the humans time to do some yard work. Purrhaps this weekend with rain in the forecast, we can convince the humans to cuddle more.


  1. We've had enough rain down here! I'm glad that we aren't getting any of yours this weekend, at least.

  2. Same here. It simply will NOT stop raining.

  3. total lee awesum foto dood !!! :) ā˜ŗā˜ŗā™„ā™„

  4. You look ready for a long winters nap Buster!

  5. Weā€™re supposed to get a bomb cyclone on Sunday. Batten down the hatches!

  6. Cuddling is always better, no matter the weather!


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