Tuxie on the Floor

Funny how the rare time that I chill on the floor/carpet, the human is ever ready with her phone to capture the moment. 

I am thankful today for the fact that her phone is not as annoying as her flashy box, which is so bulky I hate it on my face.


  1. You never get a break from the pawparazzi.

  2. Aww, this is a cute photo, Emma. But that pawparazzi is relentless!

  3. I'm glad to get to see you today, Emma! You should learn to love the camera, like I do!

  4. Emma, I'm with you. The phone is not near so annoying.

  5. We wish we could train our mom to use her phone, Emma.

  6. my Mom always uses her phone and I find it to be EXTREMELY annoying!! Love, Cody

  7. emma....ewe could bee like under de bed like we haz been N still be foto graffed .... !!! ewe due look gorgeouz we gotta say ~~ā˜ŗā˜ŗā™„ā™„

  8. We don't like the flashy box either. Mom makes her pawphone silent so we aren't even aware she's taking our photo...unless she puts the darn thing right in our faces!

  9. Thatā€™s a nice picture of you, Emma.


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