Mancat Monday

2010 01 01_pentax_3739
Today our friendly feline mancat of the backyard volunteered to do the post. We know he's a mancat because we got him fixed. Look how handsome he is. In addition, he's such a sweet boy and very friendly too. We introduce you to our brofur from the backyard, GeeBee (or Gray Boy). Handsome devil, isn't he?


  1. Oh my yes, he really is such a good looking dude!

  2. geebee ewe IZ one total lee handsum dood...itz verree nice ta meet ewe ....ā˜ŗā˜ŗā™„ā™„

  3. Hey handsome boy GeeBee. We are happy to meet you on this Mancat Monday. Glad to see you doing so well and love your adorable face of yours. Thanks for sharing the lovely photo. Have a great rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  4. Gray Boy is a most handsome and healthy looking boy. He's lucky to have permission to use your back yard too!!

    Hugs, Teddy


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