Mancat Monday

Hello all!

Mama was on the phone with the tech support gal and was very busy getting some help; but I was very hungry and so I meowed like the house is on fire. Even the tech dudette could hear me and has to excuse mama a few times to get me to calm down. How can you calm down? I hadn't eaten in an hour, so I was famished. I know the vet said limit my food intake, but what does she know about my stomach?

I wouldn't stop so mama had to give me a "little snack" while talking to the tech gal. Not content with that, I insisted the mama give me brushies while she talks and checks the computer at the same time.

When the call ended, I was these two photos. Mama said I looked like an angel; whereas I was a difficult boy just minutes before. I don't care what the house needs, or if the internet is not working. My needs always come first.


  1. You are right Buster. My mama was saying that very thing with me...that we on the CB are the most fortunate of kitties because we are loved very much.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. MOL! Binga used to create a racket when my human was on the phone. Mainly because she didn't think my human should be on the phone and not pay attention to HER!

  4. you got it! I'm the same way! I carry on as if I haven't eaten in YEARS!!! Mom says I sound like a screaming infant! Love, Cody

  5. dood.....

    D strait de catz come furst....N we can tell frum kleer over heer.. ya waz
    famizhed.... ( ya look most handsum tho dood...troo lee ā˜ŗā˜ŗā™„ā™„

  6. Iā€™m glad your Mom did some serious multitasking Buster!

  7. MOL! Izzy is the interrupter when our mom is on the phone. Must be an orange thing. You look adorable in those pix!

  8. Buster, we think you didnā€™t like the fact that your mom was on the phone and not paying attention to you.

  9. Love the coloring on that cat! So pettable!
    Thanks for sharing at


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