Thankful Tuesday

{old picture}
Today we are thankful to the human lady who got us off the street (shelter to be exact) and gave us a wonderful forever home and humans. We pay tribute to her birfday today. Happy happy birthday dear catmama. We love you. We give you a pass today; the dad can scoop the box.


  1. Emma and Buster, I love your bloggie today. Thank you for thanking your Mama. Happy Birfday to her. And many many more. XX

  2. You two are very special! Happy Birthday to your Mom from all of us here!!!

  3. It's always nice to show your appreciation - and get someone else to scoop!

  4. In my house, dad scoops all the poop. Of course, I do everything else.

  5. Happy Birthday to your wonderful Mom!

  6. Happy Birthday to your mama today!!! We hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating her big day today. What a great Thankful Tuesday post. Thanks for the share.
    World of Animals

  7. guyz...a MOST happee day two yur mom, we hope her haza awesum lee soooper grate mega time; hope her getz ta N joy sum perch pizza pie & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez & healtheez ~~~ ā˜ŗā˜ŗā˜ŗā™„ā™„ā™„

  8. Happy Purrthday and many more to your wonderful huMom. And what a beautiful picture you took for her !

  9. Happy birthday to your mama! We're glad she gave you two a home too!

  10. We hope your mama had a wonderful birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday to your mama! We hope you both are being extra nice to her today.

  12. Aww, this is sweet, Emma and Buster. Happy birthday to your super awesome Mama!


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