Mancat Monday

A little update or non-update:

I have another vet appointment this Thursday to check if my glucose levels are stabilizing with new dosage of insulin. I hope that this is it. My human notices that I have more "life" and energy. As a matter of fact, the mama has broken up a slaping fight between me and my sisfur a couple of times in the past week. Also, I have returned to my old routine of meowing until I get let out to the garage, where I usually do my exploring.

You see the past couple of months I was lethargic and want nothing else to do but sleep. Now I go around the house again and be keep mom on her toes doing my bidding. One cannot have enough play time and brushie time you know.

So I hope I get good news this week from the vet. Purrs needed.


  1. Handsome boy, I hope the news is as good as you feel. XXX

  2. This sounds really promising! I hope it shows in the test results.

  3. dood we hope ya getz GRATE NOOZE !!!! heerz sum st francis' blessing ta keep az spare...we wood say go fite emma...but we iz friendz with her two !! ā˜ŗā˜ŗā™„ā™„

  4. We are so glad you are doing better Buster and purrs from all of us pal.

  5. We are sending tons of POTP and are purring our brains out that you get some GOOD news! We know first paw how hard that waiting is. I think the fact that you are doing so well means you are gonna get GOOD NEWS!!! xoxo

  6. Purrayers and POTP for good news at the vet Buster !

  7. I am glad you are feeling better. I am praying for you. XO

  8. We're glad to hear you're feeling much like your old self, Buster. We hope the news is good too!

  9. Buster, weā€™re purring that your diabetes is in check now. It can be difficult at first finding what works best.


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