Thankful Thursday

You cannot tell from this close up image, but I'm thankful that my favorite napping spot - between mom's legs - is always available for me.

By the way, I'm thankful that I'm hogging this blog this week. Mom kinda noticed it's been weeks since my last appearance here, so this week it's Emma on the marquee.


  1. It should be Emma week. Mom said just now that she missed you though of course she loves seeing Buster too.

  2. You sure do look happy and cozy! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. we N joyz see in yur gorgeouz self emma, bee sidez...givez buster a chance ta cauz trubull ;)☺☺♥♥

  4. We're thrilled that you are, Emma!

  5. I'm glad you've taken over for a bit, Emma!


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