Mancat Monday


Hey guys, this is an old photo of me from December 2019, but since we have been erratic in our blogging the past few months we don't know for sure that we have shared this with you. There was a span of a few months during the latter part of the pandemic where no photos of us were ever taken. Yes, seriously, that happened. Anyway, where was I? Oh about this picture. I was excited to share this with you because mama find me super cute in this shot. Do you agree? Obviously I'm ready to take a nap on this photo. I'm in bed, aren't I?

Oh and another news, it looks like our mama's office head honchos have decided that people in their office will resume office work full time starting September. We should take advantage of mama's work from home state until then.


  1. Emma! Buster!! You must get all the time possible with your mama andDad!

  2. That is a great shot of you. I am sorry your Mama has to go back to work XO

  3. Oh my, enjoy your mama now, Buster, since time flies! Cute picture of you!

  4. Happy Monday, Buster! I bet your human will be sad when she has to go back to the office and she no longer has you and Emma to supervise her.

  5. That is darn cute Buster and yes, make the most of the home with kitties time!

  6. You do look cute in this picture, Buster. What’s your mom gonna do without her helpful co-workers when she goes back to the office???

  7. lookin my tee handsum ther dood !!! and YUR bed iz awesum bye de way ;) ♥♥

  8. You look totally cute in this picture, Buster! Oh no, what will your mama do without you to help her work???

  9. looking rather chunked out!!!! But...adorable!

  10. Such a cute photo and all ready for a nice and cozy nap. We hope you get all your mom time in before September hits and it's back to the office. Thanks for sharing. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals Bethayres


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