Mancat Monday

When I'm not napping, I watch mom do her work from home. When I make eye contact, I know she will give me treats. But of course, she doesn't want to make eye contact with me. She's always hiding behind the phone.


  1. Buster...they have to work and ignore us sometimes, that is true. But it isn't easy on us. I know looking that sweet on the floor there had to have made her get up to smooch you.

  2. Buster you are looking grand today, I'm sure eye contact and treats are coming up soon!

  3. dood....sneek up frum round de korner....just yell TA DA....we bet her dropz that fone ;) ā™„ā™„3lookin good two day dood !!!

  4. You're a smart one Buster, go for the treats!

  5. I bet if you look at her long enough she will get off that phone!

  6. Who could resist looking into those dreamy eyes of yours? MOL!

  7. Buster, you would NOT like it here. Mom does not give treats except at bedtime.,,,that does not stop us from asking...You and your Peeps are AWESOME!

  8. Well that doesnā€™t sound fair, Buster. She should get off the phone and give you those treats.

  9. If you want treats, Buster, sometimes you need to be a little pushy! At least, that's how it goes around here.

  10. Someone seems to be tuckered out!
    Thanks for sharing at


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