Sunday Selfie


Hiya kids! What's new? Nothing new to share from our end. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving for some bites of roast turkey. As a matter of fact, our humans already purchased a turkey because they were afraid the supply might run out.


  1. Mom did the same thing. Get her turkey ahead of time. Same reason.

  2. That's a lovely selfie.
    We hope you get a nice large share of the turkey.

  3. Do not think my hu-mom will cook any turkle, will you share? Purr please ...

  4. What a cutie you are Emma! I think your Mom is smart, I need to do that as well. Have a great week.

  5. Very pretty selfie Emma. We bought our turkey early for $1.49/lb and now they are on sale for 80 cents a pound-grrr. XO

  6. Getting turkey early is a good move, you do NOT want to miss out!!

  7. Yippie! Turkey is terrific! It has been a long time since we had any. We did not have one for Canadian Thanksgiving this year, we had roast beef. We hope you and your family have a marvellously happpy week!


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