Buster on Cats on Tuesday

My mama's niece came to visit one day when Mama and Papa were at work. She chatted with my g'ma whom she also calls g'ma. Anyway, I was a good host to her and little almost 2-yr old Alex, who btw was afraid of me - not anymore.

When they were about to leave she asked if she could photograph me and post it on FB. I said sure and I posed for her. When she tagged mama on FB, mama came back to me and said why I never pose for her this way?

I am sharing this manly picture of mine on CATS ON TUESDAY.


  1. Wow, Buster, if we were ladycats we'd swoon! What a pose! What mancatliness!

  2. Our girls are swooning! We all say, well done! Keep that Mama guessing!

  3. Buster, you are one Handsome Mancat! It's funny you won't pose for your Mom...gotta keep 'em guessing, right?

  4. That IS a great photo of you Buster! Your human's niece has the touch!

  5. Wow, what a great picture! You are furry handsome!

  6. Buster, that is sure a great picture of you, you handsome mancat! You really know how to work the camera, buddy!

  7. That IS a nice mancatly pose. But the answer to your Mama is easy: Familiarity breeds contempt. We are always nicer to the guests, right?

  8. Yo Buster! You look so....errr....macho! har har har *evil laughs*

  9. wow Buster, you are handsome my friend, you have such a perfect beautiful eyes!
    It's a wonderful portrait!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  10. Wow ! that's a real Star photo ! you are ready for an Oscar !

  11. Mr.Buster ♪
    You are a gentle squire cat.
    It's perfect cuteness.

  12. haha Buster, nice job! Have to keep the mom's working for good pics!!!! Nice photo, by the way!

  13. oh my Buster, you are SO handsome!!!

  14. Buster, that is a very manly photo!


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